These closed spaces are intended for UKOT Network members to access and participate in discussion threads, knowledge and resoursce sharing and find netwok minutes and agendas.
In this page, you can find the available UKOT Networks to join.
This is a dedicated group for those involved with Health Promotion.
A dedicated group for Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR).
A group that is dedicated to CMO. It is currently a closed group, with access through invite only.
A dedicated group to the discussion and network of Molecular Diagnostics.
This group is for the use of Laboratory Managers. You will only be able to access this group if you have been sent a private invite.
A dedicated group for Community Psychiatric Nurses - this is currently a closed space that can only be accessed through invitation.
This is a group dedicated to the discussion of Epidemiology. It is currently accessible through invitation only.
Environmental Public Health
This group is for the discussion and network of Environmental Public Health (EPH).